Street Escape Photography

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What problem does photography solve…

What Problems Does Photography Solve?

But first, why images in the first place?
The International Forum of Visual Practitioners states in its article "Why Our Brains Love Pictures" that it works from a human perspective because we respond to and process data visually better than any other data. In fact, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, with 90% of the information transmitted to the brain being visual.

Back to the problem solving...
We're extremely visual creatures, and photography enables us to take a lot of the tasks we need to perform to the next creative step in image generation. So the problems that we solve are typically as follows, for both business and personal:

1: Memory Preservation:
Photography helps people document and record memories of people, places, and events that they would want to remember. This is especially useful for capturing moments of a moment in time that are hard to reconstruct or keeping cherished memories of loved ones who have died alive in their consciousnesses.

2: Communication:
Photography could prove to be a powerful medium to communicate ideas, stories, or emotions. The photo says it all, and the message is thus easily told—inspire, inform, or persuade.

3: Documentation:
Photography helps to capture events, places, and people either for historical reasons or as evidence in law courts. Photographs will provide visual evidence for something claimed or points proposed.

4: Artistic Expression:
Photography is a way of self-expression in fine art, through which photographers create an image using composition, color, and other elements that convey a mood, feeling, or idea.

5: Advertising and Marketing:
In photography, campaigns are used to advertise or market products, services, or ideas. Through this medium, features and benefits of a product or service can be communicated to the viewer; an emotion can be developed, and a brand can be made to recollect easily.

Reference: IFVP (International Forum of Visual Practitioners). "Why Our Brains Love Pictures". Retrieved from IFVP.